About Melbourne

Your Host City Experience - What's On, Where to Go, What to Do!

CFC10 will be held in Melbourne, Victoria.

That's Melbourne

Visit That's Melbourne for the latest information on:

  • What's on
  • Places to visit
  • Dining and nightlife
  • Shopping
  • Getting around


Melbourne is on the East Coast of Australia, in the timezone GMT +10 hours.

Current time in Melbourne -

Note that Daylight Savings (Summer Time) in 2010 will start on Sunday 3rd October.
Melbourne time will then be  GMT + 11 hours.
Your Melbourne clock moves FORWARD one hour early morning Sunday 3rd!


CFC10 will be taking place in the Australian springtime. Average daily temperatures for Melbourne in October are a maximum of 20°C and a minimum of 10°C (in Farenheit this is 68° and 50°).

Current Melbourne weather:

weather radar

lightning tracker


Melbourne newspapers include: